More to come, as we are just home tonight and I'm tired. A list of some places we visited over the 5 days we spent in Hobart are below. Further descriptions will follow.
- Lark Distillery
- Ocean Child, reasonably priced pub meals and interesting atmosphere
- New Sydney Hotel, for good beer & lame ass music
- Cadbury Factory, the biggest tourist scam on the planet
- Barcelona European, for a fantastic big brekkie, served until 3pm
- Salamanca Place & the Waterfront
- Battery Point
- Hobart Penitentiary Chapel Ghost Tour
- Siam Garden Restaurant
- The Bakehouse in Salamanca, for curried scallop pies (fantabulous, and open 24 hours!)
- Richmond
- The Stables and Richmond Arms Hotel
- Royal Tasmanian Botanic Gardens
- Axum Ethiopian Restaurant
- Tasmanian Museum & Art Gallery
- Cascade Brewery, where we caught the Easter bunny in action.
- Wrest Point
- Sandy Bay
looks great! and nothing like Antarctica. I think this was a lie that trickled down from some Adelaidians in an attempt to reassure themselves that Adelaide is indeed the center of the universe and therefore the only place worth visiting :)
Looks fantastic. Tasmania is high on my list of places to visit, especially after a dry hot SA summer!
And further to that...that 'we' say. "They cut the good head off.' lol *joke*
Good shots! Thanks for the advice, they really help us.María
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