Suffering the heat with grace

The Australian wave, or why not to go to the St Kilda Mangroves on a hot, fly-infested day

The longer I am away from home, the harder it seems to become to be away from family, or so it feels some days. On the other hand, one benefit of being far from home is that the people you love most come to visit you, for weeks at a time.
Great photos!!
I almost want to direct my mom to this blog post. She has a few words to say about when her parents came to stay with her and my dad when they lived in Germany (circa 1984) for 2 months at a time, uninvited lol.
I'm know your Aunt was most welcome though! I hope she got to see the lovely Jacaranda's all over the city.
I love following your blog. You just have a way of putting my feelings into words in a way I'd never think to myself. :)
And family from you...especially as we older ones realize how precious is time. I really like the picture of you and Aunt Liz by the way.
Love your pictures, you can tell you are related. I hope you have more visits from those that you love in the near future.
When my mother came to Chicago to visit me I took her to see all of the wonders of the city. When she was ready to return to her home she was asked what she liked best about her visit. Her answer was 'seeing her daughter'. During my two weeks in SA I was taken to wonderous site and saw the lovely Jacarandas. What I loved most was spending time with my niece and getting to know her husband.
Tilly Witch
We've got family visiting for like the next three months. It's good fun, but hard work!
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