Monday, 7 June 2010

You Been a Good 'Ole Wagon...

There's nothing like growing up spoiled to make you suffer when it finally comes time to make it on your own (meaning, buy your own shit when there's no one around to give you new or almost new stuff). I've talked about my beloved 1st car, and well appreciated 2nd car...and my absolute bomb of a 3rd car/1st car I bought on my own. This car I have now is just waiting to get defected. She has a power steering leak that isn't worth fixing. Someone let their dog chew the parking brake handle off. The last owner obviously hit something on the the front passenger side, and kept on going until a big gash was created all the way back to the back door, then filled it in with Bondo and used white spray paint, which rust is now showing through. I think someone poured Coke all over the back seat, and I recently found a half-eaten package of Tic Tacs in the crevice where you fold the back seats down. Today I was asked to take one of the work cars home for a few days....a 4wd diesel. I got home an hour a half ago and I'm still giddy. My husband, the petrol head, still doesn't realise how much we have in common when it comes to loving cars (I love the new and he loves the fast) so he laughed at me when I rang him to talk about my wonderful drive home. Keep your fingers crossed for me I get to keep this one a few days. Regardless, old wagon...sad to say, but you are soon on your way out.


Arizaphale said...

Ah the days of driving old bombs that I had to work on myself. Not so easy nowadays with all the computers etc in cars. It is noce to have a reliable vehicle although I baulk at the cost of new vehicles. :-( Hope you get something decent and reasonable.

Muddiah said...

Some things about growing up were good then:)

Why were you asked to take it home?

A Free Man said...

I got my first new car when I moved to Oz. It was brilliant for about six months. Now, it's been trashed by the kids and you wouldn't know it was ever new.

Maya said...

Does the 4wd diesel have one of those monster tanks that cost a fortune to fill up, but are useful when going into the outback,
One of the things I love about not having a car and just using rental when we have to is that they are always new and I don't have to worry about cleaning them.

Anonymous said...

is this the one with the dead body in the back?