Friday, 26 June 2015

Is there anyone out there?

Does anyone ever visit this old blog anymore, I wonder, ten years on.  I'm just a few weeks back from a 3 week solo holiday in Europe.  It's the second international holiday I've had in the past year, and I've visited 7 countries in total amongst the two trips; 6 of them were on the latter of course, the former being to the States, where I visited the magnificent Powell's in Portland.  One of the many countries I visited while in Europe or thereabouts was Iceland, and I highly recommend a hike to the hot springs in the Reykjadalur Valley.  That little platform in photo one is where you toss off your clothes and pop on your bathers, after an hour long hike through the hills.  If you're lucky, it won't rain on your all the way back, where I learned for the first time that wearing glasses in the rain stinks.  Almost 40, wearing specs, I'm going to become my own old favourite soon.  I recall when a 40+ year old man was an exotic novelty.  Now I'm married to one.  We both loved our separate trips this year.  The 25 year old I met in the hostel bar in Copenhagen (also from Chicago) thought we must be an 'awesome' couple.


Anonymous said...

I'm here! I check in on your blog every now and again...first looked it up some years back when I was planning a trip to Australia, and looking for Americans' tips. Hope all is well.

Anonymous said...

I'm here! I check in on your blog every now and again. First ran into into it a few years back when I was planning a trip to Oz, and looking for Americans' tips and points of views.

Arizaphale said...

Surprisingly, I'm here too! Sadly the visits are rarer. Separate holidays? Interesting move. Glad you enjoyed it. Iceland looks amazing.DID you actually go in??

Suzer said...

I absolutely went in!

Muddiah said...

Haven't checked this in a long time, but thought of it just now and happy to see you still write once in a while.

Anonymous said...

I'm here as well. I'm a 31 year old girl (woman? :)) from Sweden who fell in love with Australia during exchange studies 2013. I found your blog last year when I was looking for expat experiences to analyze for my bachelor thesis. Dare I admit that I ended up analyzing yours..? I have read (and enjoyed) all of your blog posts from when you moved to Australia up till now. It has been a great adventure to take part of your 'journey' becoming adjusted in Oz! I'd really like to thank you for that. I hope you don't mind that I analyzed your blog.

Dina said...

Where are you now?

Suzer said...

Still in Australia Dina :)