Friday, 3 April 2009

One Year In

Today is my 1st anniversary of entering Australia on my spousal visa. I've spent this year job hunting, fixing up a house, meeting new people and attempting to form some new friendships, getting acclimated to my new husband, his friends and family, and developing some new hobbies for myself. It's been full on, and stressful at times, but also good for the soul, as my Aunt Liz would say. I'm still getting used to being a wife (but loving it), looking for the right permanent job, observing the (work in progress) house looking hugely better than it did 12 months ago, inside and out, and I'm doing a lot of things I always wanted to do but never made the time for. People keep telling me I seem to have settled in very well, etc and in some sense I have, but without wishing the next year away, I'm looking forward to being even more settled in this time next year. Let no one fool you with outside appearances; it is loads of work, but it's worthwhile at the end of the day...most days;)


DanYells said...

Congrats! :)

hope you're out celebrating your time!!

elsja said...

Congrats on making it to the year mark! I hope your next year is even better :)

Jan said...

Happy 'Australia' Anniversary! :)

Muddiah said...

You can't rush or push it as the 'settling in' will all come in it's own good time. Kind of like a recession, we don't know it's here until after it's been here for several months to a year. Anyway, congratulations for living in and through the past year!!

Laura said...

You go girl! Congrats on your one year anniversary!