Wednesday 5 August 2009

The Daily Paper

I never read the newspaper when I was living in the US. The two local papers held no interest, and it often seemed to me that too much emphasis was placed on which paper you were meant to be reading, based on your ethnic background and/or where you lived in the Chicagoland area. I was also young and uninterested in what was going on locally, which seemed to be the focus of those two papers. Even though world events and travel were more of a focus, even if only in a more general sense, god forbid I think about reading anything from New York, which might have provided a larger world view. The first time the newspaper grabbed my attention was when I was living in the UK. I'd often grab The Guardian on the weekend, and sit reading it for a few hours. I was fascinated. This English paper seemed much more interesting, offering a more socially conscious, and less biased view, than anything I'd read before, on a broader range of topics. The problem with the Australian newspapers, according to what Aussie history and political perspectives I'd read about before arriving here, was that all the media in this country appeared to be controlled by one man, Rupert Murdoch. As a consequence, I haven't bothered much with the paper here, until today. The Advertiser seemed too local, and The Australian too gloomy. This morning, however, a caption on the front page of work's copy of The Australian grabbed my attention. The Battle for Patriotism, it reads, with a subheading of 'Rethinking Oz literature'. More to come later, but if you have access to The Australian today, I encourage you to read the article, Seizing the Sauce Bottle, in The Australian Literary Review. It's the best bit of Australian journalism I've come across in my time down under.


DanYells said...,,25847494-25132,00.html

There's the link to the article Seizing the Sauce Bottle.

I love the Australian, especially compared to the Advertiser, whose main adjective seems to be to fit as many pictures of smiling pretty women into one day's paper as possible and keep articles of import far away from the pages. :)

DanYells said...

phew just finished it! I was thinking "this is more like a dissertation than an editorial" when I got to the bit about him writing his dissertation haha. no wonder.

Arizaphale said...

Will read this when I get a chance. When I was young there were two papers and the Advertiser was the more serious of the two. Nowadays I don't even bother with it as it is just as likely to run a front page story on lost kittens as on news of any world import :-(

Suzer said...

I use the paper to light the fire with most of the time, and nothing more.

A Free Man said...

The Advertiser is nonsense. It isn't the local thing that bothers me, it is the fact that it is a tabloid in the worst kind of way. The Australian? Ehhhh. Still a Murdoch rag. Still very Right leaning. Dunno. Haven't found a decent paper down here yet.

Maya said...

When I first went to Spain many years ago, I didn't read the newspaper. However, it didn't take me long to figure out that you had to read the paper, and know what is going on in the world, because no mater where you were (bar, school, cafe, grocery store, laundry, etc) you were expected to partake in discussions of current affairs. At the time TV coverage was minimal and internet was non-existent. During our last 4 years there once again I read the newspaper to keep up (there is a huge choice and you can easily find one that is to you liking.) Since arriving in Australia, I have yet to find a newspaper that I would read on a daily basis, but I do continue to read the newspapers from Spain on-line.

Unknown said...

One thing I've discovered, living in the Middle East, is that "local" news is STRICTLY controlled. Some of it is published only in Arabic (which few foreigners can read, thus it doesn't hurt tourism), and the amount is highly limited.

In my opinion, I now appreciate local news (which I never read either) because I've found many other countries concentrate on international news TO DISTRACT THEIR OWN CITIZENS from what is happening IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY.

Expat 21, at Expat Abroad