Saturday 10 May 2008

An Aussie Brekkie

Yup, that's what they called it—brekkie. It even says so on the Hungry Jack's sign (which by the way is Burger King): Brekkie served at 7am! Steve and I decided to go to breakfast this morning, before we went grocery shopping. After Steve being gobsmacked that his previously (3 or 4 years previously by the way) buffet breakfast spot has raised it's price from $7 to $13, we headed over to the buffet line. I had forgotten that Australians can't stand to have sweet and savory on the same plate at breakfast, so people were coming up and grabbing smaller plates to put their pancakes and maple syrup on. Very amusing! This is a slightly mild weekend. Having the folks (Steve's that mom will be home on her lonesome for Mother's Day) over for dinner tonight, then going to the library tomorrow and possibly doing a little house cleaning. We had a spectacularly busy last weekend, which was awesome. Had a guest to stay with us for about a week---Ed, who we had lived with in New Zealand for a while. What a great excuse to go sightseeing:) Pics to follow once I grab some from Steve and Ed, and more on what we saw at that point.

You know, I've been sitting here thinking I'm hearing bees somewhere, wondering if the ones outside have gotten into the house, and then it dawned on me...the V8 Supercars are on the tele in the living room;) Anothing thing you can't get away from in Australia---cars and car racing:/

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