Monday 22 December 2008

I've Been Tagged

I've been tagged by Alaskan Dave. I must list the last ten commenters on my blog, say a bit about each of their blogs, and then (in part two) I answer a question about each one. I'm not yet sure on how part two works, so will clarify that later. A slight difficulty with this is that not all of the persons who have commented lately have their own blogs, so some of the last ten commenters will be skipped. Sorry, if you don't have a blog, you don't get to play:( All of you listed below, consider yourself tagged.

Opinioneater: I met Jen through the Expats in Adelaide group. Well, actually I met her because someone else I met through another blog and subsequently invited to the Expats in Adelaide meet up sent Jen. Anyway, Jen is a fantastic writer and fellow foodie, and sadly (to me anyway) she is repatriating to the US soon. I haven't had nearly enough time to get to know her:( Hopefully she keep up with her blog and share more stories about food, politics and places.

A Free Man: I haven't had the chance to meet this fellow in person yet. He is another fellow Yank expat in Adelaide who writes about life in general and shares his favourite music with his readers. His take on things is blunt, honest and humourous at times, and he either has more time or better writing skills, or both, than me.

Carrie: Well, in all honesty, I don't know who she is. She must have found me randomly.

Debbie: Debbie is one of the creators of Blog Around the World, which is well worth checking out. That is about all I know of Debbie at the moment.

Ella: Ella found me through BatW (above). Ella is crafty; have a look.

Erin: Aussie Erin is another expat from the US, although she lices in Sydney. I'm quite sure we met through Yanks Down Under. She writes about her expat adventures as well, and her Thanksgiving pics are to die for!

Lilly: Lilly found me through Where the Blog are You, which is a site for Australian bloggers? (Hey I'm not an Australian, yet, but I live here and I blog, a lot of the time, about Australia.) I don't read her blog often enough. She has a lot of insights worth reading.

Elsja: And on to another American expat in Oz. Elsja is great although I haven't had the luck to meet her in person yet. I follow her blog, which are the witty and very humourous updates on her life in Sydney with her pilot.

Louisa: Louisa also found me throuth WTBAY, in fact I think she may be the creator. Go have a look. It's a good project.

Dina: Dina is the writer behind This Marriage Thing, which I absolutely adore. Who knows how to be a wife, I say? How many of us had proper role models, or had enough insight into our parents' relationships even if we did? I'm pretty sure that I found Dina's site through a google search for sites about marriage.

Honourable mention:
The below peeps don't have blogs but they deserve a mention anyway.

Muddiah: This is my mom and she has consistently followed my blog from go.

Steveg: A buddy back in Leeds who I wish was here with his fantastic wife Paula.

All being said and done, my commenters belong to a small world, but that's ok. Perhaps that's the wrong way to say it. Most are Aussies or Yanks who live Down Under, but our world view is certainly not small.


steveg said...

Good Lord - a mention in dispatches!

Seems to be a lot of it about at the moment for me - I have just received a copy of Mike Harling's new book "Postcards from across the Pond" and find that I am named on the back cover and in the front flysheet - and now this, I am doing well! :-)

In case we don't get a chance before - all the very Best for Christmas and the new year to you and Steve and all your dedicated readers



Alaskan Dave Down Under said...

I just used the questions that The Ester Republic used when she tagged me. I really have no problem if you make up your own questions, no worries.

We all gotta meet up sometime this coming year!