Monday, 13 October 2008

All Quiet on the Home Front

Well, I just got home from dropping my mom off at the airport and the house seems very quiet to me. There's no one like your mom and it was so nice to have her here. When you're 10,000+ miles from home, you value the time you have that much more. I finally had my mom here to visit with, and to show my new house. She helped with the gardening, showed me how to strip a table, helped me pick out some new things for the house, convinced my husband to hire someone rather than try and trim our big gum trees himself, figured out how to make something out of the bricks and other materials we had laying around the yard to hold the chopped up wood, baked her fabulous cheesecake and lasagna, and generally just made my house more beautiful. Thanks Mom...and miss you!


Anonymous said...

Hello Suzer! I wasn't sure how to leave a message, so I'm leaving a comment. I'm planning on leaving the U.S. for a year through Bunac and do Australia's working holiday visa program. Do you know anything about Bunac? I just came across your page doing a search for Bunac, Australia, and blogs. Thankyou!!

Venice Beach, CA

Muddiah said...

You're right about valuing time spent when the distance is so huge. So happy to have a better picture of where you are and what the house looks like. It's a great house with so much potential. I'm happy to be home, but there's an ache in my heart that lets me know I miss you too! Will be counting the days till you come home in February.