Friday 30 January 2009

Etsa Hot Day

Yes well it looks as though we're going to have extreme temperatures here for the next week. Hubs and I plan to take some time out tomorrow to go hang out at the shopping centre. My biggest concerns are power outages and fires at the moment (side note: if you are not from or living in Australia you may not understand the blog title, but...wait for it...), so while ETSA is shutting off power for short periods of time on purpose, we have our fingers crossed we don't lose power overnight as some people have over the past few days. I'm especially concerned about the two weeks worth of leftovers I have carefully packaged up for hubs for the time I am away in the US...curries, chicken dishes, lamb and beef stews will go off if we have more than a couple of hours without power, in this heat. And of course, the fish would most certainly kick the bucket. We did have a burst water main down the street yesterday, but no big uncontrollable fires as of yet. On the one hand, some wind is good at night to get a bit of slightly cooler air in, but if there's a fire, it's a huge hazard. Send my leftovers and fishies your positive vibes please!


Muddiah said...

Will keep positives thoughts coming your way as you struggle through this terrible heat. Checking weather long-range, looks like a break will come after a brutal week. Hang in there!

What's with the poor little koala?

Erin Maggie said...

That picture makes me so sad. Hope mother nature gives you guys a break soon. Fingers crossed for your fishies.

Anonymous said...

I really could use some heat in the frigid temps we've been having.
When are you stateside?