Monday 17 October 2005

Taiwan and course reps

Just got out of a session in which one of the Chinese students gave an oral presentation on a part of China. At the end, she showed a map of China which included all of the provinces. She finished by saying very firmly, but with a smile, about three times in a row, that Taiwan is not a country, but a province of China. Interesting.

I’ve volunteered to be the course representative to the student union for my program. Basically, it simply involves bringing any concerns from the group to a couple of yearly meetings between the student union and the staff of the course. Thought it would be good to (finally) get involved in something voluntary. Might help my CV as well;)

1 comment:

Suzer said...

Hi Susan,
Let me know if you get this. I’ve never even looked at a “blog” before. It is very very neat.
Terry Montesano

Commented by Terry on October 17, 2005 at 3:11 pm

Who Hoo!! Susan is volunteering!

Commented by muddiah on October 17, 2005 at 6:08 pm

Yeah, but only so I can b*tch about stuff they need to change;) j/k:)

Commented by Suzer on October 18, 2005 at 7:23 am

Hi Susan,
Glad to hear you are moving / have moved. It should be interesting!!

Commented by Terry on October 31, 2005 at 6:27 pm

A follow up on this. Did some research on the issue of Taiwan, and it is certainly not black and white, as the US govt. would like to have us think.

And I attended my first meeting this past Monday as course rep. It was a staff committee meeting, and there was a course rep in attendance from each of the three postgraduate courses (tourism, events and hospitality). I was really impressed by the meeting. While it did have a very formal feel to it which I’m not used to, I guess that could be beneficial as meetings at the Alz Assoc used to be informal to the point of neglecting the important issues. Anyway, I had to present issues that the coursemates and myself had concerns about, which focused mainly on teaching/learning methods, lack of choice for electives, and the need for more practical application around theories and models taught in the classroom. The staff did seem concerned and interested in making changes to the courses that would benefit both the university and students, which is what’s important.

Commented by Suzer on December 7, 2005 at 8:01 pm