Monday 31 October 2005

I'm outtie!!!

Well, I’ve just signed a contract for…student accomodation. And I start moving in tomorrow:) Now, I just have to tell Paulette, which won’t be fun, and I’m guessing she’ll keep my deposit as I’m not giving two weeks notice, but it’s worth it. I’ll be in a small room with a twin bed, sharing a kitchen with four other people, three of whom I’ve yet to meet, but at least I’ll have my own bathroom and there’s a bar and shop on site…and best of all, I’ll have wirelsss internet in my room. Happy days! The place is an old brewery and is only a 5-10 minute walk from where I am now, so I won’t have to switch GP or learn my way around a new area. Can’t wait! Who would have thought I’d be moving into a dorm room, so to speak, at 29;) I’ll forward my new address later on. Wish me luck in telling P.

Oh, and HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Will post more later on how I celebrated.

1 comment:

Suzer said...

Personally I would consider it very mean of her not to return your deposit, especially since it is her actions which caused you to make the move. You could try threatening to report her to the authorities - not sure which ones however - or at the very least the organisation which put you in touch with her in the first place (University?). Perhaps the thought that she may not find other customers would persuade her to see it your way, and return some, if not all, of your deposit.


Commented by steveg on October 31, 2005 at 9:40 am

Mean, but probably not contractual. What does your contract actually say?

Commented by kivadiva on October 31, 2005 at 5:35 pm

Yep, the contract says two week notice, so I do understand, and it is up to her. She is going to keep the deposit. I could threaten her, etc as you say Steve, but in the instance that some mail may still make its way there, etc I have to keep it civil. It’s easier on me that way honestly (keeping it civil), so despite the fact that money is precious these days, I’ll have to let it go. When all is said and done (towards the end of the year, maybe) I will let the university know she shouldn’t be used as a host. But…she will get people other ways—through clients, on-line housing message boards, etc. One can only do so much…

Commented by Suzer on November 1, 2005 at 9:54 am